Facebook Business Pages are Dead, so it’s said, Long Live Groups

Facebook Business Pages are Dead, so it’s said, Long Live Groups

Well, at least that’s what some people are saying after Facebook’s latest announcement.

What Facebook have said, is that they are going to start prioritising content from friends, family and GROUPS.

That means you’ll see more posts from your family, friends, and posts in Facebook groups in your news feed. It also means you’ll see fewer posts from business pages.

So how can you, the business owner, make sure your Facebook posts get seen in 2018 and beyond?

The answer is simple…

If you want to succeed on Facebook this year, you need to start a Facebook group.

We’ve heard it from Facebook themselves — from now on, groups will get higher priority in the news feed over business pages.

But there’s a right way and a wrong way to start, grow, and most importantly monetize a Facebook group…

Do it the wrong way and it’s easy to end up with a group that’s a ghost town — with no engagement and no one talking.

But if you do it the right way, you’ll end up with a thriving community full of your ideal clients and customers talking, engaging, and buying from you.

Want to know how to start your own Facebook group AND avoid the most common mistakes that new group owners make?

Running a Facebook group is one of the best ways to start and grow a vibrant online community for your brand. With a solid strategy and a few clicks, you can begin gathering a community of like-minded individuals with similar interests around a topic related to what you do in your business. Starting a Facebook group is an opportunity to become a discussion leader, facilitator, connector, and resource for people that can help you reach your business goals.

Facebook groups are an excellent platform to build relationships online. Groups allow for more engagement and greater reach than Facebook business pages, and savvy marketers are leveraging this tool to their advantage. If you run your Facebook group successfully, your group members may become part of your professional network, trusted colleagues, or customers.

As with any online marketing opportunity, it won’t serve you to jump on the bandwagon and start a Faceook group just because everyone else is doing it. Before starting your group, carefully consider your approach.

Here are 10 tips for running a successful Facebook group to grow your business:

  1. Know your purpose.
  2. Do your research.
  3. Make it appealing.
  4. Recruit the right people.
  5. Set clear guidelines.
  6. Provide strong leadership.
  7. Welcome and engage members.
  8. Keep the conversation going.
  9. Use Apps
  10. Promote yourself

Setting up our running a Facebook group can be very rewarding

Take a look at the SoldsNetwork of Groups Run by Keywebco

Network of Sellers and Groupsmedium.com

Roger Keyserling